Nicks Holidays/Travel Sleep Diaries

A good night’s sleep is essential for optimal performance, contributing significantly to our physical and mental wellbeing while helping to prevent a myriad of health issues. Most of us recognise this truth, and when finances permit, we invest in a bed and mattress that ensure a good night’s sleep, visitors to will know we work with many of the world’s leading brands to give you the ability to find a mattress that meets your demands and budgets.

So, you have invested in your perfect mattress at home, so how often have you booked holiday accommodation only to endure restless nights because of an uncomfortable bed?

If you’re like me, the quality of the bed during a holiday or overnight stay can make or break your entire experience. I have had the pleasure of staying in some lovely hotels that provide not only outstanding facilities but also exceptionally comfortable beds. Conversely, I have also encountered hotels that, despite offering excellent amenities, disappoint when it comes to the quality of their beds. It’s worth noting that my experiences with various online booking platforms have been mixed. results, property owners dedicate considerable effort to the aesthetic appeal of their interiors yet neglect the importance of a comfortable bed. In my opinion, this oversight often results in poor reviews and can utterly ruin your stay.

When I have had a good sleep in any hotel, I will to the annoyance of my wife turn back the sheets and make a mental note of the mattress manufacturer and with this in mind, I decided it would be beneficial to evaluate the quality of my night’s sleep at each of our chosen accommodation over the past couple years and the coming months while we travel and embrace our newfound freedom.

Please note these reviews are purely based on our experiences and our preferences, and should not be used as a recommendation for any hotel

Here Are Some Of Our Tips For Enhancing Your Travel Sleep Experience

When planning a holiday, it’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of exploring new destinations, trying local cuisines, and visiting renowned attractions. However, the importance of a good night’s sleep should not be underestimated. A restful night can significantly enhance your overall travel experience, ensuring you wake up refreshed and ready to make the most of each day.

Here are a few tips to ensure you maintain high-quality sleep during your travels:

  1. Research Accommodation Thoroughly: Before booking, read reviews specifically mentioning the quality of the beds and sleep experience. Websites like TripAdvisor and often have detailed guest feedback that can guide your decision.
  2. Consider Mattress Types: Different hotels offer various types of mattresses — memory foam, innerspring, or hybrid. Understanding your preference can help you choose a place that aligns with your comfort needs.
  3. Check Bedding Quality: High-quality duvets and pillows make a significant difference. Look for hotels that mention hypoallergenic materials or eco-friendly options if these factors are important to you.
  4. Room Environment: Ensure the room is conducive to sleep. Factors such as soundproofing, blackout curtains, and adequate ventilation play crucial roles in ensuring uninterrupted rest.
  5. Communicate Your Needs: If you have specific requirements, don’t hesitate to contact the hotel in advance. Most are willing to accommodate special requests to ensure a pleasant stay.